Dr. Terry Brown
What is Revival?
Revival –
Re– a prefix, occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, used with the meaning
“again” or “again and again” to indicate repetition.
Revive – to make operative or valid again.
Restore – to bring back to a former, original, or normal condition.
Revival – (dictionary) an awakening in a church or community.
An evangelistic service or a series of services for the purpose of
Effecting a religious awakening.
A re-awakening of faith or renewal of commitment to religion.
In Christianity, an energetic meeting intended to “revive” religious faith. Common among fundamentalists, these meetings are characterized by impassioned preaching and singing.
Revival is Personally Experienced and CollectivelyExpressed.
What are the signs or the characteristics of revival – how do you know that you are in revival?
What does revival look like?
How do we experience revival?
What did the Early church (the original design) have that we may not have and in order to be RE-vived and experience RE-vival we need to have as well?
The “church” is mentioned or implied 120 times in the New Testament and of that 120 specifically in Acts – 22 times, Corinthians – 23 times, and in Revelation – 20 times.
The term “church” is first mentioned by Jesus in Mt. 16:18(NKJV) “…and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
The churchis revealedin Acts 2 shortly after the Holy Spirit had been poured out and what the 120 had “experienced” the world would soon see the “expression” of for themselves.
Acts 2:41-47(NKJV) and look for the characteristics or signs of revival: (15)
- They gladly received the word (v.41)
- They were being baptized in water (v.41)
- They continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine (v.42)
- They had fellowship with one another (v.42)
- They ate together (v.42) (around food was considered covenant)
- They had communion (The Lord’s Table) together (v.42)
- They prayed together (v.42)
- They walked in the fear of the Lord (v.43)
- They walked in unity with one another (v.44)
- They were others-minded and not self-centered (v.44-45)
- They went to church and had life groups (v.46)
- They ate their food with gladness or they were thankful (v.46)
- They walked in simplicity of heart (v.46)
- They worshipped God together (v.47)
- They experienced favor with all people (v.47)
And the Lord added to the churchdailythose who were being saved (v.47)
All of these characteristics are a part of our lives individually and corporately as believers but they can “cool off” in the church which is what happened in
Revelation 2:
The church in Ephesus(2:4) “you have left your first love.”
“Repentand do the first works”(v.5)
In other words, turn and go back to originally what you were doing in focusing and loving Jesus.
The church in Pergamos(2:14)got off track with “doctrinal and moral issues—and were moving away from the original truth”
“Repent” (turn around and go back)
The church of the Laodiceans (3:14) “you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot…you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot.”
“Therefore by zealous (eager) and repent” (v.19)
Repent and return to the original design.
How do we experience revival?
By searching our own heart first.
Where are we at with the Lord?
2 Timothy 1:6 (NKJV)”Therefore, I remind you to stir upthe gift of God which is in you.”
By considering one another.
Hebrews 10:24(NKJV)”Andlet us considerone another in order to stir uplove and good works.”