Are You Willing? – Power of Yes (Part 3)

Message Date: October 17, 2018

Dr. Terry Brown


Chase – Yes or No “Would you follow Jesus?”

Seth – Yes or No “Which one should you pick?” Faith or Fear


Now that you have said “Yes” – what is your next step? Where do you go to from here? How do you navigate this yes to follow Jesus?


The principle of navigation:

You can’t get to where you want to go if you don’t know where you are at currently.

(starting point)

You need clear directions.




Latitude/Longitude — Navigation on water – Bible Times – boats/ships – walk

GPS — Point A to Point B — cars, buses, trains, airplanes, submarines, spaceships


Communication — right communication



Progression — New Convert (Baby) to Immature (Believers) to Mature (Believers)

Different stages or places in your spiritual advancement.

Tools? Strong “moral” compass, A reference point of “truth,” (The Bible vs Google), the Church/Community


 Fifty – Nine (59) Translations of the Bible, looking up the word “Navigation,”

Only One (1) place – Acts 27:1-44 “The Story” (TPT)

  • Frame – Paul was being taken with some other prisoners to Rome.

Sail from a port in Turkey to Italy. (v.1-6)

  • Along the way they were facing strong winds and with difficulty the ship made it to “Knidus”—still in Turkey. They make it a little further to another port called “Fair Havens.”
  • They leave there and Paul advises the crew, that they should not sail in such dangerous weather, saying… (let’s pick up the story from here)


Acts 27:10-14 (TPT)

Paul advised them, the majority, Fair Havens not suitable to winter in, better place to go, gentle south breeze—weather abruptly worsened—storm of hurricane force, bad situation


Acts 27:20-26 (TPT)

All hope was abandoned, don’t be depressed (not as bad as you think), FOR (because) God sent a messenger angel—the angel of my God I passionately serve, don’t be afraid, you are DESTINED, and because of God’s favor on you, He has given you the lives of everyone who is sailing with you, I know that God will protect you—just as He said He would.


We want to go from point A to point B

  (Eco-System: Worship-Community-Serving)


We need directions

      (Next Steps)


Encountered Difficulty

  • Managed the difficulty
  • Maneuvered the difficulty (recalculating)(GPS) “Lost hope-Got Hope”
  • Passed through the difficulty

“With God’s reminder of your destiny, GRACE, and Provision”

Arrived – you have reached your destination


You are not alone, God is with us. Amen